Cara Tangkap Drone Bukan Kita Punya. Tapi Orang Punya. Free Je Dapat Drone Mahal

Screenshot taken from OpenWorks' YouTube.

While the Dutch train eagles to take down drones, the British have come up with a traditional yet innovative way of neutralizing these flying machines.

The shoulder-mounted cannon, known as the SkyWall100 and designed by OpenWorks Engineering, is a compressed gas-powered launcher with an intelligent programmable projectile. The projectile fired by from the SkyWall100 has an embedded parachute which will control the descent of the drone. It also boasts electronic countermeasure (ECM) jamming.

Screenshot taken from OpenWorks' YouTube.

Capable of intercepting drones up to a range of 10 meters, SkyWall100 can be operated by an individual who can rely on the built-in smart scope to aim. Weighing at 10kg, SkyWall100 is considered portable and can rapidly reload to tackle multiple threats.

OpenWorks Engineering states that the SkyWall100 is suitable for use in airports, sporting events and large public gatherings without collateral damage. The company is also working on a two-operator, tripod-mounted SkyWall200 and the semi-auto SkyWall300 cannon turret.
Cara Tangkap Drone Bukan Kita Punya. Tapi Orang Punya. Free Je Dapat Drone Mahal Cara Tangkap Drone Bukan Kita Punya. Tapi Orang Punya. Free Je Dapat Drone Mahal Reviewed by Unknown on 00:10:00 Rating: 5

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